My Story



I’m a 'born in the trenches' leader and started my career building door-to-door summer sales teams while I was in college.

I developed the highest producing sales region at Firstline Security, a $100 million dollar Inc.500 company. I became the #1 producer in the company of over 2,000 people nationwide, generating over $37 million dollars in revenue with my teams. I went from earning $7 an hour stringing tennis rackets, to having earned my first 7 figures in sales & leadership commission by the time I was 26 years old.

I live in San Clemente CA, with my wife Sheri and three kids Miley, Mckay, and Emery

I am naturally a night person, but after years in the trenches as a sales leader and an entrepreneur, I have trained myself to get up early to exercise my mind and my body first thing before getting to work. I love killing 2 birds with 1 stone by soaking up personal and professional development books while I exercise to get fired up both physically and mentally for the day. I’m kind of a nerd about this.

I love to teach, and I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. After exercising in the mornings, I volunteer to teach an early morning church class for high-school students to help them kick off their school day in a great way learning about Jesus. It’s super challenging to create time for this, but it has become one of my favorite parts of each day. I’ve taught for 4 years so far, and will keep teaching until I get booted out! 


We love spending time together at the beach, building sand castles, catching sand crabs, hanging out in the sun and learning to surf.

Living with Passion

Problem I focus on solving

Being highly skilled yourself, doesn’t automatically translate into being good at leading other people. For example…

  • Being good at sales doesn’t automatically mean being good at leading a sales team 

  • Being a good fireman doesn’t mean will be good at leading a team of firemen 

  • Being a highly skilled medical practitioner doesn’t mean will be good at leading a team of medical professionals

What got you ‘here’ as a successful professional, won’t necessarily get you ‘there’ as a successful leader. These are two different skill sets. 

The problem is most professionals who excel in their trade end up becoming the leaders of that profession

We guide the way to help bridge the gap! 

I believe

that a healthy, highly cohesive team will out perform a highly skilled team consistently over time. I believe a healthy team will become more skilled quickly as team members work together to achieve their goals. I believe that great leadership improves the world, and my mission and crusade is to help leaders become the best versions of themselves, so that they are able to help the people they lead become their best.

I envision

a world where sales professionals have clients' best interest at heart, and sales leaders are the kind of leaders they themselves would want to follow. 

What People Are Saying

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“Ben is the real deal. He has completely overhauled the results I’m getting as a leader. Not only are the insights, principles and tools Ben teaches helpful, they ACTUALLY WORK!”

— Matt Stevens (Co Founder, President Alleva)


“Ben Ward will forever be a highly valued mentor in my life. His leadership and council has been priceless and life changing.”

— Tiffany Cook (Entrepreneur, Veteran Sales Leader)


“Ben is a powerhouse leader, coach and trainer. Trust me, you want him in your corner for all things sales and leadership. He’s an expert in helping leaders lead their teams to achieve their highest objectives.”

— Christian White (CEO, SilverEye. Executive Director Leadership Training and Development, LuLaRoe)


“Ben lives his truth. He is a consummate professional that is engaging and insightful. His ability to map the way forward with clarity and precision is remarkable.”

— Art McCracken (C-Suite Executive, Speaker & Writer)


“I’ve had the privilege of working with Ben for many years. He is the embodiment of leadership and has been a pivotal leader in my life.”

— Spencer Anderson (Executive Sales Leader)


“Ben Ward is one of the most qualified coaches I have come across. His background and experience make him the perfect person to help sales teams reach their goals.”

— Rhonda Sher (Entrepreneur, Lead Generation Expert)


Let’s Chat

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